Student Management
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Millennia Institute Student Management Framework
Millennia Institute’s Core Values of Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and Integrity form the basis of the Institute Rules. These rules aim to set a standard of behaviour expected of all Millennia Institute students so that they may maintain a positive attitude towards learning and lead a civil and respectable lives in society.
Every student in MI matters. In this regard, there is a need to foster a spirit of cooperation and to observe these rules that are for the good of all.
Purpose: This observance ceremony promotes reverence and projects our sense of pride and loyalty to the State and Institute. Any disrespectful behaviour during the ceremony would be considered a serious offence.
The Institute shall assemble punctually at 0745 hours daily (0845 hours on Thursday only) for teachers to perform minor administrative duties and for the flag-raising ceremony. The National Anthem shall be sung and the pledge solemnly taken. The Institute Song is sung on Mondays.
All students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. All Millennia Institute students must sing the Institute Song.
Purpose: Our students are ambassadors of the Institute and therefore represent the Institute to the general public. As such, our students must demonstrate a strong sense of discipline, decency and propriety through proper conduct and dressing so as to uphold the reputation of the Institute.
The standard uniform consists of light-blue shirt and trousers for male students and light-blue blouse and skirt for female students. The uniform is to be worn during lessons, Institute activities and official school functions. Students may wear the prescribed Institute Polo T-shirt (except on Mondays) with pants/skirts. On Wednesdays, Fridays and during school holidays, students may wear half-uniform i.e. Institute PE/House T-shirts/approved CCA T-shirts with pants/skirts.
All students must wear the prescribed school uniform and any unauthorised modification to the uniform is not allowed. The uniform should not be tight-fitting. Tapered pants for the males and short skirts for females are not allowed. Non-Institute T-shirts worn under the Institute shirt or blouse must be plain and white.
Tattoos on any part of the body is strictly not allowed.
All male students must be neat in appearance. Male students must be clean-shaven (e.g. beards and moustaches are not allowed).
Religious ornaments must be worn discreetly or covered up.
Donning or carrying expensive items is discouraged as these may present security issues for students.
Purpose: Good attendance is essential for academic progress and characterises a responsible person. Punctuality is also a vital work ethic associated with successful people.
Attendance is compulsory at the flag-raising ceremonies, assemblies, academic and co-curricular lessons, as well as official Institute functions.
Students who are absent from lessons or Institute functions must submit a medical certificate (MC) on the next school day. Digital MC must be submitted via this link: MC from a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner is not acceptable.
Students are not allowed to leave the Institute before 1300 hours without permission. Applications for early departure from the Institute must be made on the Student Early Leave Form, which requires authorisation by the Principal or a Head of Department and the Home Tutor. Parental consent, endorsed by the Home Tutor, is mandatory.
If a student is unwell, he/she shall inform the Home Tutor or relevant Subject Tutors. He/She will proceed to the general office and the parents/guardian will be informed. The student will be granted early leave from the institute to seek medical attention.
A student who is seriously ill should notify his/her Home Tutor or any other available teacher. The General Office and the student’s parent or guardian will be contacted accordingly.
Persistent absence without valid reasons and frequent late-coming are serious offences that Home Tutors will bring to the attention of parents. Attendance and punctuality data shall be documented in Result Slips and Personal Profiles as references for future educational institutions, prospective employers and other relevant authorities.
Purpose: Students should conduct themselves responsibly so that all can benefit from a pleasant and conducive learning environment. More significantly, they should strive to become morally upright citizens with respect for authority.
All rules pertaining to the use of the Institute’s resources, facilities and equipment, and rules governing CCA groups are to be complied with. Students are expected to use Institute property responsibly.
Students are expected to maintain orderliness during all activities.
The Institute reserves the right to confiscate any Personal Electronic Device if a student uses it indiscriminately. Subsequently, the device can be reclaimed by the student only at 6 pm on the same day at the general office. In addition, the Institute reserves the right to confiscate the said device beyond 6 pm when and if necessary.
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
The following offences are considered serious and may render offenders liable for expulsion:
- Any behaviour that is prejudicial to the image of the school;
- Assault and Fighting;
- Bullying (including Cyber-Bullying);
- Cheating during tests/examinations;
- Disorderly behaviour;
- Forging of Medical Certificates or alteration of other official documents;
- Gambling;
- Possession of contrabands;
- Possession of weapon or weapon-like item;
- Possession/Consumption of alcoholic drinks, drugs, cigarettes and vaporisers;
- Theft and Vandalism;
- Truancy
- Wilful disobedience or repeated tardiness in submitting assignments
Purpose: It is the responsibility of every student to keep the school clean and pleasant as this helps all to enjoy a comfortable and conducive learning environment.
Littering mars the appearance and lowers the hygiene standards of the Institute. All litter must therefore be properly disposed of.
In the canteen, students should clear all utensils and containers from the tables after use. There should be no eating or drinking in any classroom or resource room like the library and lecture rooms.
To conserve energy, lights and fans should be switched off before a room is vacated.
Any defect or damage to Institute property shall be duly reported to the General Office. Students are to seek permission before notices are posted on walls or notice boards.
Students are expected to act responsibly in safety matters by adhering to safety procedures and reporting any potential safety hazards. Students are expected to be responsible for their own safety as well as watch out for fellow students and other members of the school in order to maintain a safe school environment conducive for learning.
For the security of students, no overnight stay on Institute premises is permitted unless organised by a teacher with parental consent and approval from the Principal.
Persons who are neither students nor staff of Millennia Institute must not be invited to the premises, participate in any Institute activity, instruct or address students without approval from the Principal.
There should not be any sale of items or advertisements with the purpose of soliciting sales within the Institute without the approval from the Principal.