Year Head System
Introduced in 2015, the Year Head Team serves to enhance the Institute’s ability to deliver a student-centric and values-driven education, and create quality school experience.
The team, comprising of Year Heads and Assistant Year Heads, work with staff to ensure the needs of students are addressed and promote better student engagement and learning. The Year Head team supports Home Tutors in providing strong socio-emotional support for students. The team also engages students directly to address their needs and seek their feedback.
The Year Heads, assisted by at least 1 other Assistant Year Head, each take charge of a cohort.
The Year Heads also oversee all programmes and matters relating to the holistic development of the students across the 3 different levels.
Level Focus
Areas of Focus
In delivering a student-centric and values-driven education, the role of the Year Heads is focused on:
1) Academic Target Setting, Reviewing and Monitoring
Millennia Institute believes that all students should be focused in striving for academic excellence and preparing themselves for tertiary education. Using the MI Journal, students set their own targets for their subjects and devise their action plan to achieve these targets for the internal assessments that lead to the ‘A’ levels. Students also do reflections on their performance and revisit the targets which they have set.
At the school level, the cohort academic performances are reviewed and shared with the students after each examination. Year Heads would then monitor and follow-up with different groups of students based on their overall performance for the examinations. This is complemented by the mentoring by the Home Tutors, Subject Tutors & IP Heads.
2) Mentoring and Facilitating Socio-Emotional (SE) Learning
MI recognises the importance of developing students’ social-emotional competencies of Self-awareness, Self-management, Social awareness, Responsible decision making and Relationship Building.
As each student’s SE learning is unique, Home Tutors mentor and facilitate SE learning through individual and small-group pastoral care and mentoring sessions. This is complemented by Year Heads’ dialogue and feedback sessions with the students about their needs/expectations. Year Heads also create opportunities for students to exercise their leadership and to further develop their SE competencies. Year Heads continually engage students to co-create memorable school experiences through their involvement in cohort and school-wide programmes and activities.
3) Student Self - Management
Year Heads, together with Home Tutors, work with the Student Management team to guide and educate students on the importance of student self-management with regard to adherence to and respect for the Institute rules.